Saturday, 29 September 2012

just copy and paste =..=

5 DON'TS When You Are Sleeping

Here i want to share 5 thing that u should not doing when u are sleeping. Pls remember this think ok!!!
Watches can emit a certain level of radioactivity Though small, but if you wear your watch to bed for a long time, it might have adverse effects on your health.

Scientists in America have discovered those that wear bras for more than 12 hours have a higher risk of getting breast cancer. So go to bed without it.

Putting the phone beside your bed or anywhere near you is not encouraged. Though some of us will use phones as alarm clocks, but please put the phone as far as possible. Scientists have proved that electrical items including mobile phone and television sets emit magnetic waves when used. These waves can cause disruptions to our nervous system. Therefore if you need to put your mobile phone near you, switch it off first.

People who sleep with make up might have skin problems in the long run. Sleeping with make up will cause the skin to have difficulty in breathing and problem in perspiring. You will also need a much longer time to go into deep sleep.
You may never wake up again. : ) 

Wednesday, 26 September 2012


DO move the conversation along from email to cell phone. Some people are great writers – or even have a friend ghost-writing for them. In a phone chat, you’ll get a better sense of whether your personalities click. Plus you’ll find out if he even has a personality. Note: it’s a bad sign if, during his monologue about his golf swing, you’re checking your watch and praying that you lose your cell-phone signal.
DON’T disclose where you live or for that matter, any personal information that could lead to your address, such as your home phone number, last name, or an email address that includes your last name. While most men on the Internet are just as normal as you are, you don’t want Hannibal Lecter ringing your doorbell, even if he’s carrying a box of Godiva chocolates. And even if they’re truffles.
DO take things slowly, though the chemistry may be magnetic. Arrange to meet him in a public place for the first couple of dates. When you know more about him, he can pick you up and drop you off at home, but don’t invite him in just yet – even if he pleads that he urgently has to use your bathroom. Our friend fell for that ploy on a first date, and when she offered her hand as he was leaving, he suddenly French-kissed her, slobbering all over her face. Yum.
DON’T behave like a kid in a candy store full of online temptations. If you’ve met a nice, sincere guy, and you’re having a good time dating him, don’t fly to your computer the second you get home to flirt with a dozen new seductive suitors. On the Internet, it’s easy to get distracted by the smorgasbord of smooth-talking guys -- only to lose sight of the one who just might be Mr. Right.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Friday, 6 July 2012

home sweet home:)

assalamualaikum stalker(S)!!!*ececeh bajet ada je kan
ha,bella dah smpai rumah dengan selamatnye..
bile sampai je rumah bella rasa pelik
'ibu,apasal along rasa rumah ni mm luas jek=..='
'along,kau tu baru belajar kat banting,belum dublin lagi'

amboi jawapan ibu bella memang menusuk kalbu btol..hahahha..agak2 laa ibu oi..
maybe sebab dah lame tak tengok keadaan rumah,dah lupa rumah ni bape inci..huhuhu..sori ibu,heeeeeee
tapi kan  bila balik rumah memng bella tak tgok buku laa,,,sentuh muka depan pun HARAM,,,malas punya pasal...haish
haaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!bella duduk rumah,jadi anak yang solehah taw..ecehhhh..masuk lif naik sendiri..huhuu..semua kerja bella buat..untunglaaa suami bella nanti...hahahaha...

okay laaa,bella rasa mcm tak ada apa2 punggg lagi..malas nak tulis pnjang2,,buang masa*lah sangat=='

Sunday, 1 July 2012


hey korang(!)hahaha,,act,tak ade sngat laa idea nak story,,mcm tak ada pape je nak story,,serious(!)sebab hari2 same jea...kulih,tutorial.praktikal.tidur,gosip2,cuci mata,nyanyi2 dll..cehhh,,
tapi bella memg rndu gila2 zaman sekolah,,semesta tempat bella belajar menjadi seorang yg sangat pandai berdikari...tempat bella belajar pilihkawan,kongsi masalah ngan kwn dan yang paling penting belajar menjadi seorang remaja(!)ohhh i miss all that sweet moment,,,kalau boleh diputarkan waktu,bella nak kembali kat semesta....i miss zaman budak2(!)

Friday, 22 June 2012

new life^^

assalamualaikum stalker(s)!*ade ke stalkers???
finally,berjaya jugak aku uppdate blog aku,,almaklumlah dah nak dekat sebulan jadi pelajar KMS yang berkaliber*lah sangat==' so,mcm bz sikit,,,
kat sini segalanya baru,,kwn baru except adila dan nasuha dan aziani dan arif dan sayed
tempat pun baru,asrama lagi la baru,,and PAKWE baru*eceeehhh gatal!!
tak ade aaa,,,biasa laa,,hidup kan ibarat perantau dan kita akan jumpe segala bagai yang baru
perggghhhh,msok sini memang semuanya laju bagai,,naik hijau muka aku nak kejar ape lecturer ckap,,seminngu aftr orentasi memang semangat laa nak belajar*konon(!)
tapi lame2 dlm kuliah  mule rase sronok bila tak tumpu perhatian sgt,,hahahaha..(bila lah nak berubahnya)
then,bile tak nak tumpu sgt,,mata yg gatal nie mule mencuci dirinya sendiri(mata aku je gatal,aku tak ok!!)
hehhe..tup2 terlekat kat sorang mamat terengganu(!)haiya,,cute tapi geng surau la plak,,memng tak boleh lngsung buat member,,,
then,dah lame tu terlekat plak kat mamt terengganu*lagi!!/9mata aku memang jenis suka usha mamat ganu kot)
ha,,nie mcm bolae buat member,,memang hari2 aku semangat abis pergi kuliah,,,stakat ni usha2 dulu,,hahahaa..biasala ape org ckp INSPIRASI laa katekan,,,
oke lahh,,,nanti bile2 laaa update lagi,,,hahahaha......see ya!!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

dah name PEREMPUAN

assalamualaikum stalkers(!) ckp start a day with a smile tp aq pgi nie start a day with CUCI PINGGAN
adeh,sdp2 aq tga tdo my mom kjut tpat pd pkul 7.OO A.M smata2 utk meng-clearkn(BAD ENGLISH)
sgala bntuk,warna,style,jenama pinggan,mngkuk(ayun),cawan dn gelas
di saat sume wrga kg perak-ku sedng TIDUR,aq dgn muka thp malas,sket ati dn bngang thp petala ke-8 berusaha srta bertungkus lumus membsuh pnggan yg menggunung.

klau korang???cm ne???sket ati kn???
tpi nak wat cm ner
da name pon PEREMPUAN

Monday, 13 February 2012

pray for a good guy:)

assalamualaikum w.b.t *eceh alim*
since i'm going to be sweet 18-teen i was thinking bout my future life
and mostly;
could i get a very good guy to be my leader soon???????
and one day i ask my mom;
'ibu,boleh ke bsar nti along dpt laki yg baik?????'
then my mom answered
'along,just pray for a good guy.then,you will get what you want.'

what i'm try to say is,girls just pray for a good guy and boys just pray for a good girl
*Allah akn mendengar stiap doa umtnya*

Saturday, 21 January 2012

spongebob squarepants:)

like,like,like spongebob squarepants
cter nie kdg" bodoh,kdg" klaka,kdg" bengong,kdg" sedih
tp kdg" ade pngajaran
patrick ter-amatlah syg-nyer kt spongebob
squidward ter-amatlah tak suke-nyer kt downg berdua

#bess-nyer lah klau dpt guy like patrick or spongebob
bodoh" alang...hehehehe
tpi ter-amat  sngtlah bosan klau dpt cam squidward
ade jer tak kena

#so,just pray for a good guy..amiiinnnn(;